Buddha Hoga Tera Baap Review – Rating 5!

The first review of Buddha Hoga Tera Baap is out and the film has received a 5 star rating! Unbelievable, the film seems to be a perfect tribute to Mr Bachchan and a truly satisfying experience for millions of his fans world over!

Check out the review..

Buddha Hoga Tera Baap Review

by Devansh Patel

What can you say abuot a movie like Buddha Hoga Tera Baap? Is it a movie that would have been so amazing to see about thirty years ago when this great action hero and the angry young man was kicking ass and taking pride in doing so in his prime? Well, the pride is back, the prime is back and so is Amitabh Bachchan. Back to what he does best – Action. Watching Buddha feels like watching nostalgia and sometimes its good, in fact, very good because a film like this isnt an escapist entertainment alone. Its a venue for personal expression.

Vijju (Amitabh Bachchan) a retured criminal is called to Mumbai from Paris for a secret mission at a time when the underworld is at its peak in the city. Assitant Commissioner of police Karan (Sonu Sood) promises to clean up the city in tow months. Then enters Sonal Chauhan (Tanya) who accidently meets Karan in a Police Station. Amrita (Charmme Kaur), Tanya’s best friend wants to fall in love till she sees her mother (Raveen Tandon) going head over heels for Vijju. What follows next is punches, kicks, love, blasts, blows and bullets, then again love. Now I really dont want to spill the beans on how the film opens and what the story is. You need to watch it to believe what a man at the age of 69 can do.

Every action hero fan would somewhere deep down question – ‘Oh I wish I could see Mr Bachchan kick some butt today’. Well Buddha Hoga Terra Baap is your answer. It is everything a fan of old school 80’s action films would want and a kind of love letter to the movies that he used to be a part of. Its tongue, firmly in its cheek and includes all the cliches that we love in those old movies of Bachchans. Its a straighforward action flick with a simple but well executed plot, stunning fight scenes, giant explosions and some killer dialogues from his past movies and some new ones that are penned intensely by Rishi Virmani and Vipul Binjola.

Director Puri Jagannadh had his finger on the pulse of his fan base when he wrote this film. Think about the last Bachchan action flick. He knew to keep it simple and mindless with a heavy dose of exploding bodies infused with his trademark humour. Puri got us everything – snappy one liners, a funky Harley Davidson, a cute girl who can pull of humour, enough baddies to keep you entertained and indispensable violence along with longing love.

I felt like a teenager again appreciating the view of the thing that goes Boom – Bachchan guaranteeing you your Ohhhhs and Uuuuhhhhhhs and Aahhhhhs along with some mad whiltling.

Mr Bachchan’s action scenes are the most satisfying experience since cheese burgers after a very bight night. The film is designed truly for this great actor. As kids, my friends and I periodically engaged in debates about which of our favourite action stars was the mightiest? Could Batman beat Superman? Who would prevail in a battle between Huld and He-man? The possible permutations were enless, but the winner was always Amitabh Bachchan. Admit it, this grizzled geezer looks ready to rampage.

And if all the action and mayhem and humour wasn’t enough. Buddha has the best in music too, thanks to Visha and Shekhar the music directors. I won’t be surprised if the ‘once more’ echo’s in the theater after the ‘Bachchan medley’ gets over

At its core, Buddha Hoga Tera Baap remains a personal film for Puri Jagannadh and I respect it, and we all should. Its a film not made by a director but by Amitabh Bachchans biggest fan. Puri made I as an audience and that’s what makes Buddha special.

While not everyone has long speaking roles, the characters are clearly defined and each have their moment in the sun. Raveena Tandon looked surreal. She is smokin hot even today. She played her part well. Sonu Sood was honest and right there. He didn’t go over the top nor underplayed his part. Makarand Deshpande was at his best playing the mystified fan of Vijju. Sonal Chauhan looked beautiful and acted her part with ease. Hema Malini was decent. But the discovery of the film was Charmme Kaur, who with her flamboyant acting prowess stole our hearts. She is the find of the season. Kudos to her!

And finally, if you grew up on a steady diet of action movies, if your bones hardened every time a muscle-bound guy dove away from an explosion in slow motion, then its impossible to resist the allure of a man named Amitabh Bachchan and a movie like Buddha Hoga Tera Baap. His sauveness, his persona, his finesse just doesn’t seem to age, does it? He chews the action scenes like a kid battling his action figures. Its astonishing! Action junkies, take heed, your painful summer of withdrawal comes to an end with a sweet infusion of glorious violence and mayhem.

Buddha Hoga Tera Baap is a funny action caper that makes no pretense. Your favorite action star of yesterday and today killing loads of bad guys with gusto and humour. This is a testosterone fueled kick for the true fans, the purists, the connoisseurs who expect to see the legend of action back in the ring. Amitabh Bachchan, tribute is just an understatement. We salute you!

Rating – 10 points on 10 points (5 stars out of 5 stars)

Rating: ★★★★★

Credit: Harrow Observer (London)

Note: The official Indicine Review of Buddha Hoga Tera Baap will be out on the day of the movie’s release.



  • I was sure with the film that it will perform well but according to your review it seems that it is going to perform better than my expectations !!! Hail AMITABH BACHCHAN & Best of Luck PURI JAGANNADH

  • The review itself shows that it is a review written on hired basis by this Bachchan himself. To give 5 stars to this type cheap masala film very clearly proves this fact. This old man should be ashamed that when the whole world is worried about the terrorist, mafias, etc. he is performing a role of mafia in such type of garbage film. Shame to this person who is just a money making machine.

  • Bhuddha Hoga Tere Baap Movie review and the stars actings and final verdict at way2movies.com just chk out u will stick to it

  • My rating is also 5/5……….Its a great movie go & watch with Ur whole Family From 7 to 70……… Well done Big B…….!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Why such an exaggarated praise of most cheap masala film of Bachchan Senior? It is all hired basis to promote and to make the indian audiences fool. Pure garbage film

  • I’m not going to comment on the movie itself, simply because I haven’t seen it yet. What I would like to comment on however, is the abysmal state of Indian film writing/reviewing. First of all, the numerous spelling mistakes in the ‘review’ above turned me off. I don’t know if it’s the fault of Indicine for not reproducing the article properly, or it’s the author himself who can’t spell for nuts, but things like “abuot”, “retured”, “bight night”, “mad whiltling”, “Huld”, “enless” are so irritating that the eye is drawn to them immediately, which in turn takes away from the rest of the article. Of course, since the rest isn’t all that great either, it may well be a blessing in disguise! Punctuation takes a beating as well, with no apostrophes to speak of. “its”, “dont”, “Bachchans” etc. are all bandied about numerous times, and conversely we have sentences with extra misplaced apostrophes such as “won’t be surprised if the ‘once more’ echo’s in the theater”. It’s “echoes”, not “echo’s”, Mr. Patel.

    Reading the entire thing, what struck me (besides the irritants mentioned above) was simply how juvenile it was in tone (at least in parts, and the reason the rest wasn’t equally so jejune is mentioned below). ”I felt like a teenager again appreciating the view of the thing that goes Boom”. Ugh. “The possible permutations were enless, but the winner was always Amitabh Bachchan.” So even when ‘Huld’ was up against He-man, the winner was Amitabh? Hmm… “Puri made I as an audience”. What the heck is that even supposed to mean? Is it some sort of deep observation about the director’s ego that I completely failed to comprehend? And you know what, Mr. Patel? Even though Amitabh might have “chew[ed] the action scenes” (?), my bones most certainly did not harden (!) “every time a muscle-bound guy dove away from an explosion in slow motion”.

    However, all this is incidental to what is definitely the most egregious thing about this so-called ‘review’. I knew there was a reason why I stayed away from most film reviews by Indian writers. Quite simply, it’s because they can’t write worth a damn, even if their life depended on it. Or maybe they can (after all, Indian writers have made massive contributions to English and especially post-colonial literature), but they are so bone lazy and morally bankrupt that they’d rather STEAL and PLAGIARISE articles penned by foreign writers. Yes, you read that right. This ‘review’ is nothing but a shameless mishmash of lines from various reviews for “The Expendables” (no doubt chosen due to the thematic similarity), interspersed and padded with wince-inducing gems that obviously sprung from Mr. Patel’s own fecund imagination.

    These are the original reviews in question (I’m sure there might have been others that were sampled as well by Mr. Patel, but to my knowledge these are the main sources):

    1. The Expendables review by Julian Roman: http://www.movieweb.com/movie/the-expendables/REPXbwE1TkTlTS

    2. The Expendables Blu-Ray review by Michelle Alexandria: http://eclipsemagazine.com/high-definition/21786

    Let us term these R1 and R2, ok? Now sample these:

    1. What can you say abuot a movie like Buddha Hoga Tera Baap? Is it a movie that would have been so amazing to see about thirty years ago when this great action hero and the angry young man was kicking ass and taking pride in doing so in his prime? … Watching Buddha feels like watching nostalgia and sometimes its good, in fact, very good because a film like this isnt an escapist entertainment alone.

    From R2: What can you say about a movie like The Expendables? It’s a movie that would have been so amazing to see about seven or ten years ago when this great ensemble of action stars where kicking ass and taking names in their prime. As it is watching the movie feels like watching nostalgia and that’s not necessarily a bad thing: just different than what it could have been.

    2. Every action hero fan would somewhere deep down question – ‘Oh I wish I could see Mr Bachchan kick some butt today’. Well Buddha Hoga Terra Baap is your answer. It is everything a fan of old school 80?s action films would want and a kind of love letter to the movies that he used to be a part of. Its tongue, firmly in its cheek and includes all the cliches that we love in those old movies of Bachchans.

    From R2: I mean every action fan has had the question who would kick whose butt Bruce Willis or Stallone or if Jet Li went Chop Sokki of Dolph would little Li survive the encounter? The Expendables is everything a fan of old school 80s action films would want. … Again The Expendables really isn’t a movie, it’s kind of a love letter to the movies that Stallone used to make. It’s tongue, firmly in it’s cheek and includes all the cliches that we love in those old movies, we get to see Jet Li and Dolph Lundgren go at.

    3. While not everyone has long speaking roles, the characters are clearly defined and each have their moment in the sun.

    From R1: While not everyone has long speaking roles, the characters are clearly defined and each have their moment in the sun.

    4. Action junkies, take heed, your painful summer of withdrawal comes to an end with a sweet infusion of glorious violence and mayhem.

    From R1: Action junkies, take heed, your painful summer of withdrawal comes to an end with a sweet infusion of glorious violence and mayhem.

    5. This is a testosterone fueled kick for the true fans, the purists, the connoisseurs who expect to see the legend of action back in the ring.

    From R1: This is a testosterone fueled kick for the true fans, the purists, the connoisseurs who expect to see the legends of action rack up a serious body count.

    Do I even need to go on? Frankly, this sickens me no end. I knew as soon as I’d read the entire thing that there was no way some of those sentences were penned by the same guy who’d written the rest of the crap in the article. Not that the originals are scintillating examples of great writing either, but they are by far several notches above what Mr. Patel seems to be capable of disgorging. A five second search was more than sufficient to expose the extent of regurgitation that had taken place. Honestly, in this day and age do people like Mr. Patel really think they can get away with this sort of daylight robbery?

    I must say however that I wasn’t all that surprised to see something like this. Jai Arjun Singh (Jabberwock) talked about this way back in 2004 (http://jaiarjun.blogspot.com/2004/11/whorism-in-film-writing.html), and obviously the practice did not originate then. Unfortunately, Nikhat Kazmi is still very much employed by TOI and shovelling out drivel every week. I don’t know just how much the Harrow Observer paid Mr. Patel for this article, but clearly they were gypped by yet another indolent and vulgar plagiarist, a phenomenon not all that uncommon in Indian film writing/reviewing.

    I guess in the end we get what we deserve or are willing to tolerate. When we have films/songs/serials coming out by the thousands every single year that are shameless rip-offs of original work by others (mostly foreigners) and when these are lauded as great (even original) works by both the unwashed masses or the hoi polloi as well as by a large section of our so-called intelligentsia, then what else can we expect of our writers? As long as we take pride in our “chalta hai” and “kya farak padta hai” attitude, wallow in our mediocrity and do not strive to achieve greater heights, we neither deserve and indeed never shall we obtain a better standard of entertainment (and just about everything else that matters in life).

    P.S. Kudos to Indicine if this rather lengthy comment gets approved and shows up here.

  • ?? – ?????? ??????, ?????? ?? ????? ??? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??????. ?? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ??. – its a superb film .

  • Aniruddha Fatma & A.K. Roy…why dont you just go and fuuckk urself…film is really good and its worth 4/5 atleast……………

  • i have seen this movie and its great . If u want to see old amitabh in old body then must watch . I will 5 out of 5.

  • So I see that my comment exposing this ‘review’ as being plagiarised from multiple sources has not shown up here and is supposedly still awaiting moderation. Censorship certainly does help sweep uncomfortable issues under the carpet…

  • bough treview….extremely dumb masala movie..i watchd only coz i didnt get tickets of delly belly…plz dont waste time

  • another 3rd grade movie for the masses.. very poor script and performances..

    dont go with nonsense ratings.. the movie is really sick..

    rated 1/10

  • why media is doing fake reviews, are they paid by bachans for these bogus reviews..

    stay away from this nonsense crap..

    rated 0/10

  • kalia’don’shehenshah’jad-ugar’nd mr.bachan back again to kick out other’s inke samne the other’s r like pani kam chai……

  • garbage movie, should be put in dustbin.. sheer wastage of time only.

    dont be fooled by fake reviews of this movie going everywhere, cheap marketing strategy by amitabh..

  • I am really surprised if Amitabh has hired fake reviewers to rate high this cheap C grade masala movie..
    this strategy will not work for long time as bad word of mouth is already started..

  • a superb movie,amitabh still proves that he is the best,an unbeatable champion,the man who originally made the film wanted(pokiri)made a longlasting impression on audience,superb…………..watch it for superb bachchan power……..

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