Remember the beautiful Tulip Joshi who made her Bollywood debut with ‘Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai’? The actress celebrated her 34th birthday yesterday with her husband and close friends from the film industry. We spotted a number of celebrities attending the birthday party which was held at Escobar in Mumbai.
A few among the guests were Vivek Oberoi, Zayed Khan, Vikas Bhalla, Ashmit Patel, Krishika Lulla, Sudhanshu Pandey with wife Mona and Shama Sikander.
Yes i remember her.Tulip was looking much beautiful than Uday chopra in that movie “MYKSH” but now Uday chopra looks much better than
She is One of my Dream Girls along with Asin..:)
Remember the beautiful Tulip Joshi who made her Bollywood debut with ‘Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai’?
No we don’t. lol.
Tulip Joshi is the most beautiful Actress ever In Indian Cinema.
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