Jab Tak Hai Jaan vs Son Of Sardar

Jab Tak Hai Jaan vs Son Of Sardar

Jab Tak Hai Jaan vs Son Of Sardar. It’s time for the epic clash this Diwali as Shahrukh Khan’s Jab Tak Hai Jaan clashes with Ajay Devgn’s Son Of Sardar.

The scenario is slightly different this year – action comedies are raking in the moolah at the box-office, while several romantic films have failed to make a mark. Also, SOS is a remake of a very successful south Indian film. The odds are once again stacked against SRK..

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  • jab tak hai jaan will be a blockbuster..and son of sardar will also perform better at the box office….

    best of luck for both the movies

  • katrina is so pretty,srk looks father to her,srk really looking too old,i think he should do movies only opposite vidya,or juhi,even rekha,but katrina haa haa srk katrina chamistry looking so odd and awkwerd

  • i don’t know about jab tak hai jaan whether it will be blockbuster or average but SOS will definetly going to be a hit film as it is full on entertainment………..aur filme sirf teen chijo par chalti hai entertainment….entertainment…….and entertainment aur SOS is entertainment

  • SON OF SARDAR JAB TAK HAI JAAN mumbai circuit-30-35cr(ajay movie work more here mumbai circuit-25 cr(if average and max
    so if average then 30-35 and if good more than 45cr) max 45 crore as SRK does not have more
    delhi circuit-15-20 cr(as based on punjab) figure then this in this circuit)
    punjab-10-15cr(as based on punjab) delhi circuit-20-25 cr(if average as SRK m
    rajesthan- 6.5 cr(if average) ovies work more here and if good 30-35
    CP and CI-6.5cr(if average as ajay film work more crore) punjab-7 cr(if avg n good 10 cr)
    here and if good then10 cr) CP and CI-5.5 crore(if avg. and if good th
    rest nizam/andhra+mysore+east+others–8-10 cr en 9 crore)
    (if average and if good then 15 cr) rajesthan-6 cr(if avg. and if good 9cr)
    total-75-80 cr(if average) and if good then more nizam+mysore+east+other=10-12 cr(if
    than 100 crore but less then 110 cr. avg. and if good 16 crore)
    total-75-80 crore(if avg.) and if good mo
    re than 100 but less then 105 cr)

    so both have equel chance and both will disturb the other one bussiness. as SOS is lower budget then jab tak jaan it will be more profitable if both are average purformer and if both are good then maximum hit or superhit verdict will be there in india.

    mumbai circuit- 30-35 crore(as ajay’s movie work more here and if good the 45+)
    delhi circuit+punjab circuit-25-35 crore(as lead character is of sardar)
    rajesthan -6.5 (if avg. and if good 9 cr)
    CI+CP – 7 (if avg. as ajay’s movies work more here and if good then 10 cr)
    nizam+mysore+east+others-8 to 10 cr(if avg. and if good then 15 crore)
    TOTAL- 75-80 crore(if avg. and if good best then 100 crore but less then 110 crore)

    mumbai circuit-25 crore (if avg. and if good max 45 crore as SRK movies does not have more figure then this)
    delhi +punjab circuit–30 crore(if avg. as SRK movies work more in delhi circuit and if good then 40-45 crore)
    rajesthan-6 crore(if avg. and if good 9 crore)
    CI+CP-5 crore (if avg. and if good then 9 crore)
    NIZAM+mysore+east+others-11-13 crore(as SRK movies earn little xtra in nizam and mysore then rest and if good 16 crore)
    TOTAL- 75-80 crore (if avg. and if good best then more than 100 crore but less then 115)

    so both have chance of 75 to 80 crore if avg. and if good then 100-110 crore . but it is also true that both will effect the bussiness of others and would have earn extra 15 to 25 crore if released independently. as SOS has less budget then JTHJ so SOS will be more profitable for makers even if it earn little less then JTHJ.
    JTHJ definetely going to work more in overseas as yashji and SRK have done previously but in india SOS is going to give equel fight.

  • sapne dekhna acchi baat hai lekin thoda real world me aajao bhai……..150 to possible hi nahi hai chahe to saare screen par JTHJ kyu na laga de……….SRK ‘s days are over in india haa overseas me jo predict karna hai kar lo

  • SRK, the badshah of bollywood. Surely JTHJ will surpass 3idiots.
    When theatres are housefull for JTHJ ,then the remaining audience will go and watch ‘SON OF SARDAR’.

  • SON of SARDAR looks promising. Votes/ you tube views on internet does not make much difference as they represent a very small amount of section who watch movies. Past years trend shows that entertain is the latest buzz and SOS seems very entertaining. I will be a treat to watch Ajay Devgan in Sardar’s Role. Plus it is a remake of South blockbuster so definetly the script/story is already accepted. JTHJ might Open better than SOS however SOS will be liked by more and ultimately result in Better collection then JTHJ considering the screens count…I mean average screen and collection ratio…Mind it

  • Right, in Diwali SOS going to rock. Dont know about JTHJ but SOS will be biggest hit for Ajay devgan till. I think 120+ sure even if JTHJ becomes a blockbuster…

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