Bollywood superstar Salman Khan launched the 6th season of Bigg Boss yesterday. Rani Mukherjee who has shared screen-space with Salman in several films, made an appearance on the show to promote her upcoming film Aiyyaa.
Check out the video and pictures
King of king salman king
Srk nd rani looks together better than salman..salman hosting is not good as srk
You forget zor ka jhatka if salman was in the show then that is also superhit because salman fans want only seen salman not film and show that is why his average movie is became blockbuster srk mein dum hai itna.wo sirf good script par chalta hai aur kuch nahi.
Big boss is the most popular show in the history of indian television if srk had hosted the show big boss,It’s trp would be around 0.5…thank god Salman has hosted it……… salman again helped colors in extending their prominence all over the world………………………Dabangg 2 will be an all time blockbuster sabotaging ek tha tiger and 3 idiots.
TRP of Bigg Boss 6
Plz Tell me.
Love You Bhai Jaan
Dabangg 2 All Time Blockbuster
Dabangg2 theatrical trailer relese dte
As Per early estimates, the TRP of the opening episode of Bigg Boss 6 is 30% higher than the previous season. The early estimates suggests that the opening episode’s TRP is around 4 points
kya mast jodi hain bidu! Ek dam rocking
SALMAN nd rani looks together better than srk. srk hosting is not good as salman
Boss watched yest show . . Its ful to entertaining . . D 6 character of salman latest film combination ws truly mind blowing . . Salman is an pakka host :) . . U ‘l reach d position where other actor never think it . . Allah bles u . .
oh omg salman and rani super jodi super prfc
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