Telugu superstar Ram Charan Teja, who will make his Bollywood debut with Priyanka Chopra in the Zanjeer Remake later this year, married his long-time sweetheart Kamineni Upasana at a grand ceremony in Hyderabad on Thursday. He is the son of actor-tuned-politician Chiranjeevi, who is one of the legends on the Telugu film industry.
Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan and Tamil superstar Rajnikanth were two of the biggest names at the wedding ceremony. Other film personalities were Sridevei with her producer husband Boney Kapoor and Kannada actor Ambareesh.
Several politicians were present too – Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, Governor ESL Narasimhan, former chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu and leaders from various other political parties were present too.
We apologize for the poor photo clarity. We will update this page with better pictures from Ram Charan’s Wedding soon. Stay tuned.
Update: Added some new pictures from Ram Charan and Upasana’s pre wedding ceremony (courtesy Roohshad)
Photo Credit: Twitter and
Sri Devi & Bonney Kapoor are like beauty & the beast. LOL
Rama Charan is a future of bollywood.
saju dey is dharti ka boj.
Best Wishes an all best for the new life
He has no future in bwood,why give such importance to him
Ramcharan tej and upasana both looking so great and sweet……!
Ramcharan and upasana beautyfull coupuls
kojja ku kojjaku pelli chesinattundi
congergulations ramcharan
made for each other
Meeku istam lekapote lenattu vundandi.
Public ga picha picha msgs petadu.
He is marying, First see your self
all the best for your life:) Both r luking soooo great:)
chiru future kosam surekha nu marriage chesukunanadu alane thana koduku charan ki kuda future money kosam intercaste chesadu.i think chiru and family totally selfish and waste and also he not genuine to play a role in politics
good couple
happy married life n al d best
wish u all the best
rey aunty neee chesunav enti raaaaa
osey geetha nuvu musuko vallu nijanga jaffale ne………………….
endha money ki kakruthi padethe matram chustu chustu elanty jaffane chesukuntav jaffa nayala………..
ente 11th photo 3rd month unatu undi
Wastecouple on this world mad fello u r teste less
wish you a happy married life cherry.ur wife upasana is very cute n she is very good natured n friendly natured lady.ur very lucky cherry to get a very simple natured lady who is nothing but ur wife upasana into ur life.i like her very much keep smiling.
cherry u mite have got beautiful wife but y did u marry upasana.she wont suits any way dats ur opinion.hello comment writers shut ur mouths.anywho all the best charan sir.
cherry ur ooooooooooooooosama………………………………………..
he is a tasteless felloow….!!! he don’t hav future even in tollywood how can he go to bollywood…!!!!!
nikendhuku ra avaru alaagunte poy pani chusko
hai ram how are yo
hai charan how ru ur wedding photos soooo qite……………….’