Actress Bipasha Basu married actor Karan Singh Grover at a very private wedding ceremony on Saturday. While Bipasha is getting married for the first time, it’s Karan’s third wedding.
The actress looked beautiful in a red lehenga as she was dressed as a Bengali bride. The wedding rituals were as per Bengali customs.
The wedding was attended by Bipasha’s good friends from the industry Dino Morea, R Madhavan, Ranbir Kapoor and a few others
The couple will host a reception for friends from the industry and their extended family.
Check out the wedding photos of Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover.
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Great. Congrats to her.
@ Indicine : Will u do an article on Captain America : Civil War? Its trailer as well as the number of screens on which it will release on May 6. It is a big movie and must be having a good number of screens. Looks amazing from the trailer !!!!!!
Awww? so cute Bipashu. Wishing you happy married life and sincerely hoping that there is nothing like “fourth marriage” in Karans life dictionary.
Stay blessed hamesha?
Praying for Bipasha to have a blissful married life for the rest of ur lives blessed with kids coz that may be the only thing that will keep this guy for long in this his third marriage.
Full bakchodi jst 6 months marriage
Congrats Bips
Karen- hhhmmm all I can say is you are a loser n if you let Bips go then QUIT life altogether…!
Karen must have thought he gets this wedding free like pay for 2 weddings n get the 3rd free kind of special offer…!
I don’t know for some reason I have a feeling this marriage won’t last long !!!!!!!! Hope KSG proves me wrong.
She seems very happy…
Wish he is ‘the one’ for her..
Happy married life Bipasha….
a very happy married life to bipasa basu…a life is larger than filmy life.i wish no errors just want a happier couple in bollywood
3rd wedding? Wow! Now I understand why he did Hate Story 3….. anyway they look happy. God bless1
Captain America : Civil War looks to be a super awesome movie. This movie and the Jason Bourne movie am really looking forward to.
Apocalypse x men movie doesnt look exciting enuf.
Bipasha is so happy ! Congrats Karan !
Wrong choice bips. John was best.
U wer A list n Karan is C list D grade actor.
Anyways happy married life if it works for more than 1 or 2 yrs.
i knew this would gonna happen soon. since john married…. bips followed